Two Pieces of Advice for Anyone Starting to Code

Two Pieces of Advice for Anyone Starting to Code

I was on my laptop a few days ago, working on a website with JavaScript, when I ran into a bug. I wrestled with it for about 3 hours until I gave up, deciding to live to code another day. During my time relaxing and stepping away from the project, I reflected on my journey into coding, which began a little over a year ago.

In that time, I've learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While it's said that you can't master everything, I managed to grasp enough to build a solid frontend for websites. Although it might not be an extraordinary accomplishment, considering I was learning to code while starting university and handling the stress of school alongside a part-time job, I find it quite remarkable.

In this article, I'll share two crucial pieces of advice that expedited my learning process, along with some bonus tips.

1. Consistency

This advice might sound cliché, but its significance cannot be overstated. Consistency is among the most effective ways to achieve a complex goal. However, striving for unrealistic consistency—coding for more than 4 hours every day—often leads to burnout and diminished results.

A better approach is to learn in small, regular intervals. Find learning materials—courses, books, or apps—that cover what you need to know. Aim to learn at least one new thing every day, devoting no more than 10 minutes to it. This manageable approach not only helps you retain information better but also makes it easier to manage your learning schedule.

When I was learning to code, I used an app called Sololearn. It offered lessons in bite-sized chunks, taking less than two minutes to complete, and included simple quizzes to test comprehension. This approach helped me stay consistent with learning and accelerated my progress significantly.

2. Practice

Another oft-repeated advice in the programming world is to practice regularly. After learning a new concept, put it into action by building simple projects. These projects need not be overly complex or flashy. For instance, upon learning HTML tags like <p>, <h1> to <h6>, <div>, etc., try designing a basic layout using these tags and explore their creative potential.

You don't need to wait until you've mastered everything to start building a complete website. You could begin working on your passion project, like a portfolio website, begin by creating the structure with HTML, then apply CSS as you learn to style it. Iterate and improve with each new piece of knowledge until you've created something you're proud of.

Bonus tips

- Focus on the Fundamentals

- Learn to Ask for Help

- Use google

- Sharpen Your Skills by Helping Others

- Set Realistic Goals

- Learn One Thing at a Time

- Know When to Step Away and Take a Break from Code Debugging


These two strategies are the secrets to how I managed to learn coding in less than a year while juggling other life responsibilities. When used effectively and consistently over an extended period, they can transform you into a master of any skill.

Additionally, these practices are invaluable for learning new technologies and improving your efficiency at work. Always remember: CONSISTENCY and PRACTICE.